Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What’s a NFT?

NFT stands for “Non-Fungible Token”. It’s a unique, digital item with blockchain-managed ownership that users can buy, own, and trade.

Why mint a Glu Society NFT ?

Glu Society is one of few projects which will provide utility premint from a proven hospitality group. Our innovative whitelist process and approach will allow shared experiences to build a strong community. We planned our roadmap with value and utility with an intent to under promise and over deliver with cool $h!t like collabs and partnerships.

What is the total supply?

We will evaluate the appropriate supply number as we get closer to mint. Our unique approach to whitelist will allow us to evaluate right supply per the demand (number of POAPs and WL).


What is a POAP?

POAPs (Proof Of Attendance Protocol) are exclusive Ethereum-based NFT badges given to you for leading, participating, or attending experiences. The events can be in the physical world, online, or in the metaverse. POAPs will be rewarded or claimable. POAPs can provide future utility (e.g. access to experiences and future whitelist).

Is there Whitelist?

Experiences will be the key to unlocking Glulist, Glu Society’s whitelist. The community will earn POAPs for sharing, participating, contributing, and creating experiences. We are curating in real life and streamed experiences in (e.g. cook a longs, mixologist, live music, nightlife, illusionist, and much more). In addition, a leaderboard is being developed so the community can track their claimed POAPs. The weeks of experiences and building of our Glu Society Community will cumulate mint.

When do experiences start?

Experiences are set to launch Monday, May 9th. Follow our social media and join our discord for details. The streamed content will occur on our twitch channel. We will make some streams available for a short period to the community for those who can not make the timing of the streamed experience.

Will there be a public sale?

Only if we don’t sell out.

What’s the price? How will the price be determined?

POAPs are free but will need claimed to an Etherium wallet. Glu Society NFT price is TBA but our goal is to make our NFT accessible to all. Earning multiple POAPs can qualify for mint price discounts.

How do I join the mod team?

We believe the best mods will come from our community and those aligned with what we are trying to build at Glu Society. We are looking for mods who have experience to best serve our community. We recommend you take the following steps:

  • Join our discord

  • Apply through the Mod Application form

I have a collaboration or business proposal for Glu Society?

We look for strategic collaborations with projects and brands who will add value to our community. If you are or have a lead to one of these project or brands, please fill out the following Collab form.

How do I not get scammed?

Don’t click any suspicious links. Don’t download any .SCR files or really anything that's DM'd to you. Never give your seed phrase to anyone, ever. Never sign any suspicious MetaMask transactions. Honestly, just assume anyone who is DM’ing you is more than likely a scammer, and act accordingly. There will be no surprise mints. Take security seriously.  We recommend the community uses a cold wallet (e.g. Ledger). Use the #official-links channel in our discord. Finally, we encourage all of us to slow down since most mistakes are made when you try to rush.

What steps will Glu Society take to ensure security?

Glu Society highly values security and protecting our community. In addition to our internal audit, we plan on hiring a 3rd party to do a security audit as we approach mint. As we have been in the NFT space, many of the project team have suffered security breaches in other projects which we have applied these learnings to better protect Glu Society.

How do I mint a NFT?

Here are the steps on what you need to do to get your Glu Society NFT. There are many YouTube videos (e.g. Brett Malinowski) that can walk you through steps 1-3.

1. Download the extension on your browser
2. Ethereum (ETH) can be purchased through 80+ compatible cryptocurrency exchanges including Coinbase or Wyre.
3. Send Ethereum from this exchange to your MetaMask wallet
4. On launch day, open the mint website and select the number of NFTs you wish to mint
5. Click “MINT” button, Metamask will popup asking for connection
6. Confirm the transaction and any associated fees
7. Once you have made your purchase, your NFTs will appear in your wallet and on OpenSea

Where can I see my NFTs?

You can view your NFTs on the Metamask mobile app and other marketplaces (e.g. Opensea) with the wallet you used to purchase the NFT(s) once connected.

What is the secondary sale fee?

Our secondary fee is 6% with the majority to provide further value to the community whether in producing and curating more exciting experiences, merchandise & goods, and community wallet.


Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

~ Henry Ford